Credit Report Errors and Mistakes
Mistakes on your credit report are serious issues, and we fix them at no out-of-pocket cost to you. We do not charge you anything for helping you with credit issues unless we get money for you.
Bad credit can be devastating, and it’s especially troubling if the errors are not your fault. You can be denied credit, employment, an apartment, a military clearance, and pay more for a car or home purely because of incorrect information on your credit report. Lenders could charge you higher interest rates on loans that could cost you hundreds or even thousands more than necessary over the life of the loan.
Let us handle your legitimate credit dispute for you at no out-of-pocket cost to you. If the credit bureaus don’t fix their mistakes, we will make them pay our fees! If they fix the mistakes, we charge you nothing.
Dealing with the credit bureaus can be challenging, and if not done perfectly can lock you out of being able to vindicate your rights in court when the credit bureaus fail to help. The deck is stacked against you, so you need a consumer law firm which can level the playing field. If you have credit report issues that are causing you difficulty, you need experienced consumer lawyers who will call out the credit bureaus for cheating and hold them accountable.
Here are some important facts about the credit bureaus that may be preventing you from improving your credit or getting a loan:
The credit report that you get from the credit bureau is completely different from the report employers, car dealers, banks, insurance agencies, and landlords get. Often, the reports that other parties pull have far more information on them than the reports you can obtain, and that information is often much less accurate.
You may have been denied credit or may be paying a higher interest rate with excellent credit just because you have a name similar to someone else who has bad credit.
According to a recent 60 Minutes article, over 40 million Americans have mistakes on their credit report, and 20 million have serious mistakes.
When you contest a problem on your credit report, that dispute is often processed by a credit bureau employee in a different country who does not have the authority or ability to investigate your claim.
It’s cheaper to ignore your dispute letter than to try to keep accurate records or investigate the claim.
What are some common credit report problems to look for?
If your name is very similar to someone else in your area (especially a parent or child, like a senior or junior), their negative information may be included mistakenly on your reports.
If you have filed bankruptcy, the creditors you filed bankruptcy on may not be reporting accurately.
Collection companies might be reporting incorrect amounts owed, or you might not even owe the debt at all.
A debt that you’ve already paid off might still be reporting as owed or even past due.
Let the attorneys at Klein & Sheridan help you with your credit bureau contest from beginning to end, for free. If we have to sue to fix your credit report, we will not charge you a dime.
When you arrive at Klein & Sheridan, you will meet in person with an experienced consumer attorney who will work out a plan with you to fix all your credit report problems from the initial contest letter to a lawsuit if necessary, at no cost.
What to do and not do before you meet with the attorney:
Do NOT pull your credit report from an online credit bureau unless you have already done so prior to contacting us. Many credit bureaus and reporting agencies try to trick consumers into agreeing to binding out-of-court arbitration in order to pull their credit report online. This means that by pulling the report online, you may no longer be able to use the courts to solve your credit problems. We will help you pull your credit report.
If you have already pulled your credit report, DO bring the full copy of that report with you to your appointment. You can also email it to us ahead of time.
Remember: there is no charge for helping you with your credit report problems unless we get money for you.